Blue Dragonfly Cut Flower Farm LLC is a family owned business. We grow specialty cut flowers from April to October. We have a Flower Wagon by the driveway where bouquets are sold during the week. Bouquets are not available everyday so we stay in touch with our customers though our Facebook Business Page, where we post when bouquets are available. The Flower Wagon is operated on the Honor System. There is a cash box to drop payments in by the Flower Wagon. We also take Paypal payments. You can contact us and we will send you a QR code via email or text where you can prepay for flowers and pickup later. Orders can be called or text to 919-389-9057.


Winter Months


Haven't posted a lot since last August.  The fall was really busy for us trying to get all the planting and seeding done. The weather set us back for a couple of weeks during planting time, but we did manage to get everything in the ground and all the seedlings and plants have flourished during the extended warm weather this fall and the rains have helped also. Below are the dutch iris which have grown so large in the warm weather.  The second picture below are some of the direct seeded items and they are growing very well in this weather.  

These are the beautiful dutch iris that will bloom in the early spring.

This is a mix of the early spring bloomers.

Another mix of the early spring flowers. 

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! Its color attracts me a lot. So nice to have them in my house.
